Welcome! I have written a collection of short stories in the “weird fiction” tradition. The whole thing began with a challenge from “Struthless” aka Campbell Walker, an Australian Youtuber making excellent videos about creativity, art and mental health. The idea was simple: Make art on a regular basis and challenge your perfectionism. Choose a medium, make it limited and easy to make and then make something for every letter of the alphabet. I choose writing, specifically weird fiction and wrote this short story collection with more or less one story per week. I hope you enjoy it!
It has been a lot of fun to write, specifically because I had to write one story per week whenever or not that I was inspired by the letter of that week and whenever or not my perfectionism was satisfied (it usually wasn’t, which was a huge point of this). More thank you will follow later, but here are links to all of the stories first!
E: Explorations and exoteric excavations: Finding the location of the supposed city of Jubylon
G: Gamomania & Gabelle: Unlikely marriages and taxes in the Free City of Jubulon
K: Keepsakes and katabothrons: Moving memories in the Free City of Jubylon
L: The Lampadephore Airship Port: Records of love, lies and loneliness
O: Ochlesis & oinomancy: a witness statement about strange symptoms
Q: Qat and quiche: How drug smuggling formed cuisine in the Free City of Jubylon
T: Temporicide & tephromancy: A party tradition at the University of Jubylon
Campbell Walker’s original video for the Alphabet Superset challenge can be found here:
I never quite imagined that I would make it this far. But I did, in no small part thanks to my wonderful friends, both on- and off-line. First off, a huge thanks to Campbell Walker aka Struthless for making this challenge! It arrived just when I needed something regularly creative in my life. So thank you very much.
I'd like to thank the other participants of the Alphabet Superset challenge, especially Cassie for her support when I was started (first time I got a shout-out on YouTube!) and Korick for continual support, exchange of ideas and his beautiful, positive and inspiring writings . Though I don't think I have never interacted directly with her, I'd also like to thank Kristina from Existential Flow. Her pieces has been a huge inspiration for me. I'd also like to thank my awesome online friends Waltraut Pouchcollector and D. Crawley for their support and appreciation along the way.
On a final note, I'd also like to thank my editor and super-duper good and awesome friend Elisabeth Nynne Rochler for her encouragement, corrections and excellent ideas. Her feedback is almost as good as her cheesecake. Therefore, I humbly dedicate this collection of short stories to her.
Thank you all once again and another huge thank you to all my readers!
D. Crawley's crazy good stuff can be found on Itch here: https://d-unveiled.itch.io/
Existential Flow by Kristina: https://kristinabalciune.substack.com/
The Guidelines by Korick: https://theguidelines.substack.com/
Cassie's YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/@cassie_hart
Thank you! I wouldn’t have made it without you, my friend! Cheers to more writing!